Saturday, July 15, 2017

Vintage 1950s Homes


          The decade of the 1950’s in the United States was a time of monumental change in homes. Soldiers coming back from WWII were ready to settle down, buy houses, and start families. Money generated from the war gave people the income to not only buy houses, but to buy the latest technologically advanced home appliances and cars. Optimism soared in the huge demand for housing. The first prefabricated homes and quickly built homes were popular.

          The space race between the United States and Russia inspired architects, artists, and car manufacturers. The cold, dreary war had ended and people were ready for color. Home interiors were painted with bright, cheery colors such as green, pink, orange, turquoise, and yellow. Bathrooms and kitchens were commonly painted pink, even pink appliances were sold.

          People craved color, style, and technology in their homes including the bathrooms.

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